The Cult of the Muse-Letter
WIYQ Weekly!
WIYQ 30: The Beginning of the End, LIVE!

WIYQ 30: The Beginning of the End, LIVE!

THIS WIYQ(!) features something very special: Cameron and Drew jaunt into a live RPG game design brainstorm session concerning stealth mechanics and action economy inside of Camerons’ impending zombie apocalypse role-playing game, ZRPG. Spoilers: It always comes back to B/X

As well as this, the gang talks about Basilisk Production updates, a lot of really exciting news (You’ll have to listen in and see why Cameron made this face!).

That’s right, we’re nearing the end, folks!!!!

We also discuss the new Magic: the Gathering set, and Drew’s ideas about running an all-philosopher Epic of Dreams campaign that also features… UFOs? (if you’re interested, send us an email or DM Drew on any of our social medias)

Wonders in the Sky by Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck

The Epic of Dreams: Basilisk Edition Late Pledges Here!

If you’re not a part of our discord yet, you can join here!

Link to all our other stuff here!

Our outro music, “Bruises” by IN DECAY

What Is Your Quest, Weekly!

The Cult of the Muse-Letter
WIYQ Weekly!
Every Monday, we’ll be talking about the RPG work we’ve been doing in the past week, some stuff we’ve been hyped about recently, as well as some RPG design commentary and dubious anecdotes.
Link to everything:
Super big thanks to IN DECAY for our outro music - download EPITAPH here: