Hello my friends.
How has 2023 been treating you thus far?
For me, this January has been a pretty crazy month.
My main freelancing gig dried up for the foreseeable future, and I started a new business that I kind of had already been doing for awhile! (It's going better than expected!)
In addition to that, we've had some pretty crazy developments take place with the Basilisk as well! Instead of giving you any description here, I'm just going to lead into the news...
The Print Proofs are IN!!!
These print proofs were made with Mixam under certain specifications. We're probably not printing the softcover rulebooks with them, for some reasons you'll find in the next section.
This print proof turned out great! Everything was legible, layout was great. We might make some minor tweaks to the manuscript, but we were blown away with how it felt to hold it in our hands.
We can't wait to get it into yours!!!!
We Might Be Getting Published??
We may be getting The Epic of Dreams: Basilisk Edition published by a more traditional publishing route.
This is good news for both the book and Kickstarter fulfillment, but I don't have many details to share at the moment.
If we do move forwards with the agreement, it shouldn't upset the physical fulfillment timeline. In every talk I have with them, I talk to them about you and how you all come first.
We may also need to alter the way in which we do our environmental charity as well, as I'll need to navigate the scale at which this book will be printed. We're still very much motivated to aid the environment as much as we can.
Overall, don’t worry, we are making sure to do our due diligence, and everything is very safe.
Physical Fulfillment Is Coming
Unfortunately, with this whole month of craziness, I haven't been able to string up as many loose threads as I'd have liked to. Rest assured, This Kickstarter campaign is still the first thing in my mind and work.
We are finishing up the last parts of the content involved with the stretch goals as we move towards finalizing our near future decisions.
We are planning on releasing a short zine offering for ZineQuest this year, but we will not be fulfilling any Kickstarter before this one is fully fulfilled.
Building Further Into The Future
Very soon, we'll have all the final documents for the stretch goals ready to print, alongside the core rulebook. As soon as all the business with that is set in stone, we will send it to print, and we'll be shipping it out to you right away.
While all of this is taking place, I'm also going to start rebuilding our community and social media content. Soon, I will be making regular blog content, YouTube videos, shortform content, and podcasts associated with the book.
I say all of this so you will know that the context of my pursuits of those projects comes after my prioritizing of this one. We're never jumping ship, and very soon, we'll have made it through this 3-year long odyssey together, somehow.
I am extremely thankful to have held your attention and trust over this time.
As we begin to embark on these new odysseys, I hope you'll be joining us again.
We've certainly learned much, and are always aiming to improve.
Thank you again, and you can send me any questions in the comments here, direct messages, email me at agnvsdeistudios@gmail.com, and join our Discord Server, where we are running regular games of many varieties.
Much Love, and I'll See You Wednesday With A Video Update!
Something seems familiar about that picture...
Your art is so cool!